niteflirt front page bidding strategy
NiteFlirt Consultant

NiteFlirt not working for you?


You can change that thumbnail fifteen times a day but if your phone rarely rings, it doesn’t matter what the thumbnail looks like, you have failed at this!  I have watched someone now for over seven months hard-headedly continue to sit on NiteFlirt’s front page day after day, month after month and barely ever go busy!  Why?  Is it vanity?  Is it that she can’t stand being in any other position than number 1?  Is it stubbornness?  Does she think if I change my thumbnail every fifteen minutes maybe I will be successful?  Does she suffer from narcissism?  Maybe.  Whatever the reason, NiteFlirt’s front page is not working for her.

Either way, if you are paying more for those clicks that never convert to a call and you aren’t selling content, nor getting chats that result in big tributes/then you are paying for your vanity or ego or personality disorder.  NiteFlirt sure appreciates your money!

Reasons to use the front page of NiteFlirt to promote your business:

  1. If you are new to the site and need the exposure (but once you get it, you should stop using it)
  2. You opened a new listing for a character and haven’t been seen yet, so yes, pay for a day or two now and again to expose it or better yet, lower the rate on that listing and send a link to your existing best customers to call it for you.
  3. You are coming back after a long absence and want to expose your talents to new clients.  However, you should have already created a smashing email template to your existing old customer list.
  4. Your existing client base is getting stale.

Those are the only reasons you should promote by giving NiteFlirt money for that front page placement.  Furthermore, you should be converting 5 clicks whether qualified or not to at least one sale.  If you’re not doing that, you aren’t successful and things need revamping or you need phone sex training.




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