
  • frustrated with niteflirt

    NiteFlirt not working for you?

    PHONE SEX TRAINING: $50 an hour  The very first thing you will need is information and know how: What do most men want when they call a phone sex operator? How to answer the phone and find out what he wants. How to make that call last! Finally, how to get him to call you again…and again and again. Learning the NiteFlirt platform can be difficult. I CAN TEACH YOU ALL OF THE ESSENTIAL SKILLS TO SUCCEED ON NITEFLIRT AND BECOME A PHONE SEX OPERATOR.  In my 15 yrs in the business I have seen more fail than succeed. If you want to make it, you’ll need help. Write me…

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  • NiteFlirt

    Trustworthy Phone Sex Consultant

    I appreciate your trust and therefore, wish to earn it.  There are a few women who have come into phone sex thinking they can teach it.  Most of them cannot.  By far, the worst con artists have been Although they are basically out of business (YaY) with my help but mostly because of themselves, you cannot trust that people! Reviews And, yet another complaint about UPDATED JAN 2022 Well, it seems their lack of know-how, professionalism, and pissing off so many black women and facing lawsuits and with my help, they are down to selling their shitty templates for $25!!  BUT BEWARE OF MOBILEMONEY365 WHICH IS SPLIT…

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  • niteflirt black list

    The NiteFlirt Blacklist   No one in sex work should be abused!  We provide an entertaining and fun service for fantasies, intimate contact with a stranger and sexual pleasure.  Some men come onto NiteFlirt with no other agenda but to abuse women because they hate women.  The worst abuser on NiteFlirt is AMister. Pre-block an abuser customer by going to: Mail Click the last tab “options” Add the screen name and hit enter. Read the list that has been gathered and the abusive feedback proven by visiting The NiteFlirt Blacklist THESE ARE JUST 2 OF HIS ABUSIVE ONE STAR FEEDBACKS AMONG HUNDREDS! HE’S BEEN ABUSING WOMEN ON NITEFLIRT AND PHONE SEX OPERATORS…

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  • NiteFlirt

    My NiteFlirt Portfolio

    All of my designs are unique to you and your talent, specialty or experience. They are also MOBILE FRIENDLY and fit perfectly on NiteFlirt and all mobile devices. Did you know that %73 percent of folks use mobile devices to shop? All fonts, text and photos will show perfectly on a mobile device, which keeps customers from bouncing from your listing. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”4″ gal_title=”All images”]

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